Peg Solitaire
A program that solves the peg solitaire game finding the best possible solution. It is written in C. Input files and source code are found in the attachment. [Source]
This is an online auction system (like eBay) that lets users add items for sale and purchase items. Users are only allowed to enter bids if they have sufficient funds and when an auction has ended the money are being transfered from the buyer to the seller automatically. An extra feature supported by this auction…
Using MacOSX open Calendar application. In case you are already logged in to iCloud the entries should appear. Go File->Export->Export and save the exported file anywhere on your mac. This will create a file with an extension .ics. Locate the file using Finder and right click on it. Select Open With, then Microsoft Outlook. Done!…
Download and install Wireshark from Launch the application. Go to Capture -> Options. Select the interface for the wireless network card and tick Capture packets in promiscuous mode. Then press Start. MSN conversation hack: Wireshark will start capturing packets that flow around. Among others we notice at the protocol field the MSNMS (Microsoft Network…
Center for research in molecular medicine patient samples of University of Cyprus. This system works locally where it was build. Of course all patient details were removed for security reasons. [Source] [Preview]
Things you need: An Intel based macbook (other may work) Time! First thing you need to do is to download and install KisMAC. You can do this from Then launch the program and open Preferences. Go to Driver tab, select Apple Airport Extreme card, passive mode and click Add. Then Select All channels and…
Recently I tried to install Boot Camp 5.0.5033 on my MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) having previously installed Windows 7 64-bit. Guess what? Apple decided to make our life difficult again by popping up “Boot Camp x64 is unsupported on this computer model” error. I am guessing that this problem happening to many of you out there that…