Peg Solitaire
A program that solves the peg solitaire game finding the best possible solution. It is written in C. Input files and source code are found in the attachment. [Source]
Recently I tried to install Boot Camp 5.0.5033 on my MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) having previously installed Windows 7 64-bit. Guess what? Apple decided to make our life difficult again by popping up “Boot Camp x64 is unsupported on this computer model” error. I am guessing that this problem happening to many of you out there that…
Using MacOSX open Calendar application. In case you are already logged in to iCloud the entries should appear. Go File->Export->Export and save the exported file anywhere on your mac. This will create a file with an extension .ics. Locate the file using Finder and right click on it. Select Open With, then Microsoft Outlook. Done!…
Before we start Warning 1: This procedure is taken at your own risk as it may result in a bricked phone. Warning 2: After unlocking the bootloader of your device, ALL data will be wiped. This procedure may also work for other Nexus devices. I personally tried it on my Galaxy Nexus GSM 4.1.1 yakjuxw…
This is my final year project in Higer Technical Institute. It is a multimedia website about an occupied by the Turkish troops city. To remeber and never forget what we had and was taken from us. No preview or source is available here because the files are very large since they contain video, audio and…
This is my final year project for the University of Kent. It allows students to be able to select their own modules and create their timetable to suit them before registering the modules. Implemented using PHP and MySQL. [Source] [Preview].
This post explains how to add any program to start a service/daemon on linux (as long as the program supports this). It was created while attempting to start TeamViewer as a daemon while my home server was booting up. To start any program as a daemon, a link to the daemon script should be placed…