Royal Crescent
What: Royal Crescent
Where: Bath UK
Story: Bath is very close to Bristol where I was studyng. One of the sites at Bath.
What: Fire Sparks Where: Nicosia Story: This was taken in one of the photo shoots arranged on the photography classed I attending.
What: Airoplane Where: Florence, Italy Story: During 2015 holidays.
What: Full RainbowWhere: Lythrodontas, CyprusStory: December 2021
What: Dragon Fly Where: Akamas, Paphos Story: During and excursion to Avakas Gorge at Akamas.
What: A block of houses Where: Bristol UK, near the river Story: While I was walking in Bristol I saw this block of houses and their colors seem very interesting.
What: Red Arrows Where: Bristol Story: During Bristol Ballon Fiesta 2010.