What: Piconia
Where: Home
Story: Closeup of a piconia flower
What: Airoplane Where: Florence, Italy Story: During 2015 holidays.
What: Lifeguard Post Where: Larnaca, Cyprus Story: On a Sunday trip to Larnaca, while walking on the beach
What: Candy box Where: Home Story: This is the same candy box as the previous picture uploaded. But in this case I had a bown of water and oil inside to create the bubble effect. Also the background is blurred using an open apperture. Nice isn’t it?
What: Full RainbowWhere: Lythrodontas, CyprusStory: December 2021
What: Unknown Where: Kalidonia Story: I took this picture at Kalidonia. This grew on a tree. From close it looks like a mushroom but its not. Anyone knows what this is? 🙂