Packet Sniffing with WireShark

Download and install Wireshark from Launch the application. Go to Capture -> Options. Select the interface for the wireless network card and tick Capture packets in promiscuous mode. Then press Start. MSN conversation hack: Wireshark will start capturing packets that flow around. Among others we notice at the protocol field the MSNMS (Microsoft Network…

JSP website

This a small website about indicating knowledge of JSP, JSTL, taglibs, SSL, database integration, email support etc in Apache Tomcat & Derby. The attachment also includes the description. [Source]

Proxy Server

Build a proxy server in C using threads and sockets. Every server can have up to two connections on the proxy. Client requests must be satisfied. New servers must be added to a list/array upon a request and must be removed if no request comes within 10 seconds. [Source]



What: Sunset Where: Paphos Story: Last year on my birthday I went for the weekend to Paphos where I took some great shots including this one which is the view from the hotel at sunset. You may notice that my sensor was a bit dirty at the time 🙂