On Fire
What: Some Kind of Tree
Where: Brandon Hill Nature Park
Story: This is a park near to where I used to leave in Bristol. The tree looks yellowish, like it is not fire.
What: Red Arrows Where: Bristol Story: During Bristol Ballon Fiesta 2010.
What: Blue Macaw Where: Zoo of Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago Story: During a site visit I decided to go for a walk somewhere close to the hotel. Fortunately there was a zoo nearby…
What: An alley Where: Bath UK Story: Bath is very close to Bristol where I was studyng. Here is when I went to visit and friend and we were wondering in the town.
What: Unknown Where: Kalidonia Story: I took this picture at Kalidonia. This grew on a tree. From close it looks like a mushroom but its not. Anyone knows what this is? 🙂
What: Water Drops Where: My place Story: While experimenting with the camera…
What: Airoplane Where: Florence, Italy Story: During 2015 holidays.