RSA OAEP PKCS-1 Java attack
A Chosen Ciphertext Attack on RSA Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) as Standardized in PKCS #1 v2.0. [Source]
Implementation was removed after request from University of Bristol.
I was planning for quite some time now to register the domain A few days ago this really happened. In order not to leave the domain sitting without any use, I decided to create a very simple URL shortener interface written in PHP. Visit and shorten as many domains as you like. It’s…
This a small website about indicating knowledge of JSP, JSTL, taglibs, SSL, database integration, email support etc in Apache Tomcat & Derby. The attachment also includes the description. [Source]
A program that solves the peg solitaire game finding the best possible solution. It is written in C. Input files and source code are found in the attachment. [Source]
Have you ever needed to lock your personal folder so that no one can access is unless they know the secret password? I have personally searched for such applications many times but all solutions seem to be complex such creating partitions with encryption and so on. Finally I had some free time and decided to create my…
This article explains how to make Windows BootCamp scrolling as similar to Mac OS X! 1 Reverse scrolling There is a registry setting named FlipFlopWheel that does exactly this and can be found after typing regedit in Run and pressing enter which will launch Registry Editor. Then search for keyword FlipFlopWheel. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HID\VID_???\VID_???\Device Parameters. The search…
This is my final year project in Higer Technical Institute. It is a multimedia website about an occupied by the Turkish troops city. To remeber and never forget what we had and was taken from us. No preview or source is available here because the files are very large since they contain video, audio and…
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Can you please send me the java source to my email id :
I am afraid that is not possible as I was asked from the University of Bristol not to.