Bristol Harbour Fest 1
What: Fireworks
Where: Bristol
Story: During Bristol Harbour Festival.
What: Brirmingham Eye Where: Birmingham UK Story: When I visited a friend in Coventry we decided to go for a night walk at Birmingham.
What: Unknown Where: Kalidonia Story: I took this picture at Kalidonia. This grew on a tree. From close it looks like a mushroom but its not. Anyone knows what this is? 🙂
What: View while standing on Clifton Suspension Bridge Where: Bristol UK Story: This is the bridge view when standing on top of Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. It was taken the same day the Suspension Bridge picture was taken
What: Kolotzi/ZucchiniWhere: Fikardou village, CyprusStory: November 2021
What: Statue Where: Bristol Story: During Bristol Harbour Festival.
What: Statue of angel vs demon Where: Coventry UK Story: I went to the graduation of a friend who was studying at Coventry University and their ceremony was at the cathedral where I took this picture.