Angels and Demons
What: Statue of angel vs demon
Where: Coventry UK
Story: I went to the graduation of a friend who was studying at Coventry University and their ceremony was at the cathedral where I took this picture.
What: Fire Sparks Where: Nicosia Story: This was taken in one of the photo shoots arranged on the photography classed I attending.
What: Candy box Where: Home Story: This is the same candy box as the previous picture uploaded. But in this case I had a bown of water and oil inside to create the bubble effect. Also the background is blurred using an open apperture. Nice isn’t it?
What: View from Duomo Where: Florence, Italy Story: During 2015 holidays.
What: Hand & Bubble Where: Nicosia Story: It was taken during a photo shoot about bubbles.
What: Natural History Museum Where: London Story: This was taken during my visit to UK for my MSc graduation. Siteseing!