Alley in Bath
What: An alley
Where: Bath UK
Story: Bath is very close to Bristol where I was studyng. Here is when I went to visit and friend and we were wondering in the town.
What: Statue of angel vs demon Where: Coventry UK Story: I went to the graduation of a friend who was studying at Coventry University and their ceremony was at the cathedral where I took this picture.
What: Lalaria Where: Skiathos Story: This picture is straight out of the camera. No editing at all and the colors are real!
What: Unkown Flower Where: Brandon Hill Nature Park Story: Another walk in Brandon Hill Nature Park now mostly concentrated in flowers.
What: London Eye Where: London UK Story: On a trip to London and after seen the London Eye many many times I finally decided to go for a ride.
What: Sunset by the Pool Where: Paphos Story: Last year on my birthday I went for the weekend to Paphos where I took some great shots including this one which is the view from the hotel at sunset.