New Web Design

Plenty of free time recently and I decided to change my website’s theme to follow the latest web trends. This template is dedicated to photography, giving blogging a secondary role. During the porting of old posts to this new design, some links and pictures got broken. If you are here to view or download any…

Crack WEP using KisMAC

Things you need: An Intel based macbook (other may work) Time! First thing you need to do is to download and install KisMAC. You can do this from Then launch the program and open Preferences. Go to Driver tab, select Apple Airport Extreme card, passive mode and click Add. Then Select All channels and…

Packet Sniffing with WireShark

Download and install Wireshark from Launch the application. Go to Capture -> Options. Select the interface for the wireless network card and tick Capture packets in promiscuous mode. Then press Start. MSN conversation hack: Wireshark will start capturing packets that flow around. Among others we notice at the protocol field the MSNMS (Microsoft Network…

JSP website

This a small website about indicating knowledge of JSP, JSTL, taglibs, SSL, database integration, email support etc in Apache Tomcat & Derby. The attachment also includes the description. [Source]

Proxy Server

Build a proxy server in C using threads and sockets. Every server can have up to two connections on the proxy. Client requests must be satisfied. New servers must be added to a list/array upon a request and must be removed if no request comes within 10 seconds. [Source]

Student-Markers problem

The aim of this project was to use C posix threads. This is something like the dining philosophers problem but a bit more advanced. A student must find two free markers to mark him and then release them after finishing. More details and souce are found in the attachment. [Source]